Kovach is Now 100% Employee-Owned!

  • Ownership Mentality:
    Every Employee has a stake in the Company’s success. Hard work directly contributes to the growth of Kovach, and in turn, personal financial growth.
  • Job Satisfaction:
    Studies show that Employee-Owned Companies often have higher job satisfaction, better retention rates, and stronger team collaboration.
  • Self-Development:
    Small improvements of just 1% better for each Employee-Owner lead to compounded accomplishments and progress for the Company as a whole.

This is an exciting new chapter in Kovach’s 54 year story, and we’re thrilled to share this journey with you. Together, we’ll continue building success for the Company and for ourselves.

For any questions about our ESOP or how it will benefit you, please contact the ESOP Committee esop@kovach.net or attend one of our upcoming info sessions.