Laser Scanning
At Kovach, our turnkey approach goes beyond traditional methods. We proudly offer dynamic in-house laser scanning services that capture pinpoint accuracy of building sites. This state-of-the-art service ensures our clients receive rapid and exacting data, making it an indispensable cornerstone of our innovative strategy.
Early Detection with In-House Laser Scanning
At Kovach, we don't just detect inconsistencies; we anticipate them. By integrating 3D point cloud overlays with the BIM model, we provide a visionary perspective that highlights any divergence between the essential design intent and real-time site conditions.
This proactive approach ensures our projects never derail from their envisioned path. Through laser scanning, we're not just fitting our products and services into your project – we're seamlessly weaving them into the very fabric of your site, ensuring unmatched integration and consistency.